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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School, Bury

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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow

Home Learning

Please ensure that you are registered for Seesaw as, from Monday 23rd March, I will be using Seesaw to give more detailed, specific homework tasks.


Information for those currently self-isolating.


Work for children includes:


Reading - It is vital that children continue to read every day.


Spelling Shed - Weekly spellings are posted every Monday. Also, the Year 5 and 6 speliing list can be found on the Homework Information page of the Class pages on the school website.


MyMaths - Tasks have been set up on MyMaths.


Times Table Rock Stars.


Grammar games, Links to these can be found on the Homework Information page of the Class pages on the school website.


Common Lit. - Comprehension tasks will be set.


DIARY - These ae extraordinary times - living history! Keep a daily record of events and your thoughts/feelings about them.


BBC Bitesize:  Link can be found on the Homework Information page of the Class pages on the school website.



Kind regards,


John Phelan

Year 6 Teacher

