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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School, Bury

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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow


We are back to good old fashioned pen and paper for our English homework.  We will still use many of the prompts from the 100 Word Challenge website, but we will be doing it in books.  


The homework will be given out on Thursday or Friday each week and it should be returned on the following Monday.  You can have a preview of the prompt on the 100WC website and start to get something prepared.  


Aim for around 100 words, but don't worry if you go over that amount - but don't just stop before you have reached a conclusion.

My Maths homework will be set each week, but remember, if there aren't any tasks set for your group, you can go back and try to get a better score on one of your previous tasks. 