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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School, Bury

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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow

Homework Information

Homework Given Out Due In
English Friday Tuesday
Maths Tuesday Tuesday


English Homework

We will continue to use the 100 Word Challenge for our English homework. Your child will receive a homework book with their first piece of homework and all English homework should be completed in this.

Maths Homework

We will again be using the online MyMaths for Maths homework. Your child will be familiar with this platform and will already have a username and password. If you have forgotten either of these I have a record in school and will be able to pass them on.


How to access MyMaths on a tablet

Reading Homework

Your child should have already taken home their Reading Record and reading book. If your child is a free reader, they can read their own books from home. I would just ask that you ensure they are age appropriate in terms of difficulty and themes. Your child will read regularly in school, however, the more you can read with them at home the better.
