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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School, Bury

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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow

Homework information

Spelling Shed


This year we will be using Spelling Shed partnered with our weekly Spelling homework due on a Friday. I have attached instructions of how to use it below. Please check your child’s reading record for their username and password. 

1. Google ‘Spelling Shed’ and scroll until you find where it says ‘sign in/log in’ - when you see this click on ‘play game’.

2. Sign in with your child’s username and password found in their reading records. 
3. Click the top bubble which should be an assignment and will have a ‘due date’ underneath it. For example this week is the ‘-dge’ sound assignment. 
4. Underneath where it says ‘practice’ press play.
5. Choose your level of difficulty and play the game and enjoy!