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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School, Bury

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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow

Homework information

Year 4 Homework - Spring Term


Homework this term will consist of weekly times tables and spelling homework, project based topic homework and reading. 


Spelling/Times tables

Times tables and spelling homework will be set weekly on a Thursday to be completed by the following Thursday.

Spelling is set online on Spelling Shed, but paper copies are also provided for children who are stuggling to get online.

Times tables will be a paper based task either on a grid or calculation sheet.

In addition to this all children will be set TT Rockstars

online times and Maths Shed Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) practise table homework. This is optional but highly recommended as a really fun way for your child to increase the speed and accuracy of their multiplication facts and prepare for the MTC in June.


All children have now been given log in details for Spelling/Maths Shed and TT Rockstars, they are glued into the back of their reading records.


Topic Homework


Each child will be sent a  topic homework grid this half term. Your child can complete any two of the tasks on the sheet. They can bring their completed work in at any time this term but please can all work be in school by Monday 6th April. If your child has completed their homework in a Powerpoint please email the school office for my attention.



Reading at home continues to be a very important part of your child's learning at home. I ask that you read with your child at least three times a week and write in the reading record. Please can reading records come into school every day. 


Thank you for your continuing support.


Mrs Weston 

Topic Homework Grid - Spring 2

Autumn 1 Topic Homework
