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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School, Bury

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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow

English text - Meerkat Mail (updated 21.09.17)

As part of our 'Around the world' topic we are using the text Meekat Mail. It is a story set in Africa and allows the children to explore examples of postcard and letter writing. 

We have responded to the text with some roleplay freeze frames to show the events of the character Sunny. 

After exploring some of the postcards that Sunny the Meerkat wrote, we thought about places he could visit. We also decided what the weather was like, what he ate and what he liked/disliked. We saw a photo of Sunny at the park on a sunny and cloudy day. He was eating a (real) worm sandwich!
We followed Sunny on his journey and then used freeze frames to share the characters thoughts and feelings. 