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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School, Bury

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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow


World Poetry Day! Year 5 performing The Magic Box.

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Learning how to perform poetry in groups.

Describing the setting in The Lorax to use in our persuasive leaflets.

Identifying features of persuasive writing.

World Book Day! Vocabulary dressing up and sharing books.

Designing their own incredible machines for either Beowulf or Grendel and writing explanations about them.

After finding evidence in the text to answer the question, ‘Who is Grendel?’, Year 5 wrote character descriptions about the savage beast from Beowulf.

Identifying poetic devices in our class text: Beowulf.

Year 5 have been well and truly inspired by Andy Tooze, a local poet, who visited our school to share his tips for writing poetry and read us some of his fantastic work.
