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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School, Bury

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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow


Welcome to Receptioclass page

We follow in the footsteps of Jesus to Love Learn and Grow

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to our final term. Where has the time gone? We are looking forward to another lovely term. We will be learning about the artist Jackson Pollock and creating our own paintings. We will learn about the life cycle of ducks and have a fantastic opportunity to observe ducklings hatch from eggs and look after them in their first days. We will also learn about different countries with Paddington bear and plan our own end of year celebration. We will think about how to be a good friend and celebrate God's wonderful world. We will also talk about and prepare for our move to Year 1. We will continue with our daily Read Write Inc and share a variety of stories together. In Maths we will continue exploring numbers to 20 and beyond, saying the number that is 1 more and 1 less and identifying number patterns such as odd and even numbers and counting in 2s and 10s. We will solve addition and subtraction problems using objects and pennies and think about the duration of 1 minute through practical activities. 

Please just ask if you have any questions. 

Kind regards,  

Reception Team


Reminders - 

Forest School - Mondays starting Monday 7th June

We are back to Forest School every Monday afternoon. Just as before please can children come to school dressed in their forest school clothes. These should be clothes you do not mind getting muddy. Also children will need appropriate footwear such as wellies. If you have oversuits or waterproofs that is brilliant but please do not go to trouble. Please can children also bring a full change of clothes just in case. Many thanks.   



This is sent out on a Thursday. Please return this by Wednesday the following week. Many thanks.


                      Take a look at our Learning Journey 