'Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? Tell me, if you understand. Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it? On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone...?'
Job 38:4-6
Every child a Mathematician
At Our Lady of Lourdes, we believe that Mathematics helps to give meaning to our world, furnishing us with a method of communication which uses numbers, shapes and symbols. It is a universal means of communication used to explain, predict and tackle problems in everyday life.
Our intent is to promote Mathematics as a lively, interesting and attractive subject and to provide a richness of experience and challenge in order for our children to develop a range of knowledge, skills and understanding of concepts. Our aim is for the children to gain the ability to work methodically and systematically, with persistence and perseverance, as this will ensure that the children are independent and resilient learners. All children will be provided with the appropriate opportunities and provision to access the curriculum so that their individual needs are catered for and so that they are challenged at their own individual level.
At Our Lady of Lourdes, our intent is to develop the children’s ability to think logically and to approach problems with strategies and methods that are appropriate and efficient. We strive to ensure the children explore mathematics with confidence and in an inquisitive manner, discussing concepts and mathematical structures and then making decisions based on their understanding. The children will gain confidence in their mathematical ability, expressing ideas, reasoning fluently, talking about the subject with confidence and using the correct mathematical terminology.
Mathematics is used in the world around us and our curriculum is designed to ensure that children have the opportunities to apply their mathematical understanding in a world beyond the classroom as well as a tool in a wide range of activities. The children will gain a broad range of number facts and calculation strategies that they can work with fluently, gaining an appreciation of pattern and the ability to identify relationships, making links between different areas of the curriculum. This includes ensuring a deep understanding of number, geometry, measures and statistics.