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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School, Bury

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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow


Who was the Amesbury Archer? 🏹

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Year 3 used their prediction skills to analyse images of items found in the Archer’s grave goods. From this we explored what the items were and what they were used for, to create a fact file all about the figure from the Iron - Age. 🏹🪦

Year 3 explored the archeological findings of the Ames-bury Archer’s grave. We discussed the key differences between grave goods from the Iron Age in comparison to what we would find today. 🪦

Year 3 have been busy as archaeologists, recovering key items from the Bronze Age. We looked into how technology has advanced since the Stone Age, predicting what is was for before conducting our own research.

Year 3 have enjoyed their introductory session on the ‘Bronze Age’, exploring and ordering key events to create a longer ‘timeline’ chain on their tables.
