Year 6
There will be some changes to homework arrangements this year.
Maths homework will continue be on and there will be additional written exercises as well.
We will continue to use the prompts from the 100 Word Challenge but we will no longer be posting writing on the Night Zookeeper website. Instead, and as discussed in class, I will give you the prompt and you then have the choice of posting your writing on the class blog page or in your homework book. I would, however, like as many of you as possible to post your writing on the blog so that you can post your writing on the 100 WC website There is a document with instructions below.
Massive congratulations to Thomas, who has earned us our first appearance in the 100WC Showcase (for Week#3).
Also, very well done to Josie for earning a place on the Showcase for Week#5.
We have now established a link with Mrs Peterson's class in Carrollton, Texas. We will be starting to comment on each other's 100 WC blog posts so it would be great if you could all try to post on the blog.
Mr P.
Class of 2015/16
Welcome to the 2015/16 academic year everyone.
We'll be making a lot of use of internet based homework this year. Each child now has their own blog on the blogging section and I have posted a set of rules for the use of these blogs.
Maths homework will be on All children have login details and the site shows when homework assignments are due. English homework will be based on The 100 Word Challenge, which goes live on 13th September. In the meantime, English homework will entail responses to posts on the class blog and should, therefore, be written carefully and with appropriate punctuation.
This term's spelling list can be found below. Words will be tested by dictation at the end of each week.
LATEST: Mr O'neill's book is loaded, below; read it and join in the discussion on the blog.