Homework Expectations
One book will be a RWI scheme book that is matched to the level that they have been assessed. These can be changed as frequently as you need and it is okay if a child chooses the same text to read again.
· The second book will be the Read Write Inc. book that they have completed (after 3 reads) with in their phonic sessions. The idea of sending this book home for a fourth read is so that your child becomes confident in showing you all the skills that they have acquired across the week. For example; using choice of voice (reading with expression) and applying knowledge of how to pause appropriately for punctuation etc.
· The third book will be a book that your child has chosen from the class library. The idea of this book is for you to share and model reading to your child, exposing them to rich language, expression and also spending time asking questions for your child to orally comprehend.
Each half term, children will be set an optional Home Learning grid with a range of activities to undertake throughout the term based on a topic from class. Each half term, a list of common exception words and spellings will be set on the website for the children to practise at home as well as in class. In the run-up to Year 2 SATS in May, children will be sent home some revision homework. As an option children can practise their maths work on the white rose 1 minute maths app. https://whiterosemaths.com/resources/1-minute-maths
have a little watch of some of these YouTube help with SATS clips: