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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School, Bury

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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow



Parachute making for our class investigation on forces.

Pattern Seeking Investigation - Exploring how levers work and investigating how much force is needed to lift an object.

World Science Day trip to Chester Zoo.

Earth and Space

Making our own orreys using our knowledge of the position of the sun and planets in space.

World Space Week: We joined a space explorers session online ran by STEM to learn interesting facts about our solar system.

Making our own solar systems after researching how big each planet is and scaling how far away they are from the sun using the data we collected.

We learned about Aristotle’s evidence for the Earth being spherical. We modelled this using play dough to see what what the person would see as the boat travelled towards the horizon.

Exploring the Earth’s rotation to show day and night and making sundials.
