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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School, Bury

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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow

Monday 200420

Monday 20-04-20


Good morning and welcome to the Summer Term!




1) Check-in activity on Seesaw


2) Maths: Advanced Pg 16-20 and 29-30; Standard Pg 20-27, Foundation Pg 28-35


3) English Comprehension: Pg 16/17 A Letter from CS Lewis


4) Spelling Shed


5) French: Madame Birtwistle has provided a pdf French Home Learning booklet which I have put on the Year 6 page of the school website.


6) PE: https://youtu.be/isJwFOi9u78


7) Weekly Art project:

Go to https://www.tate.org.uk/kids/make For this week, follow one of the ideas from the Sculpture section. We will continue to do this weekly, so you can look at the other ideas and do some planning ahead. Your  finished (Sculpture) project should be put on Seesaw on Friday 24th April.


As mentioned previously many of the activities do not have to be completed that day - due dates will be shown for some activities (please submit those pieces on the due day). Don't feel that you have to do the daily register activities on the day they're issued, I'd rather they be completed well rather than quickly.




Mr. P.
