Good and Bad Secrets
Sorting Super Susie’s Secrets
We learned that there are ‘good’ and ‘bad’ secrets and that we should always tell someone we trust when a ‘bad’ secret is bothering us.
We learned that there are parts of our bodies that are private to us and that we can talk to an adult we can trust if something is worrying us.
We learned the ‘PANTS’ rules and worked together in groups to think of actions to go with them.
Can you help me?
We learned that we should call ‘999’ in an emergency. We listened to different scenarios and discussed whether we would need to call ‘999’ or not. We even learned a song to help us remember what to do in an emergency!
Who can be my neighbour?
We listened to the story of ‘The Good Samaritan’ and discussed how Jesus taught us that we should love our ‘neighbour’ (anyone that we meet). We worked in groups to look at pictures of people who might be lonely or need help and we talked about how we could welcome them into our community.