Week Commencing Monday 150620
Week commencing 150620
Finally, we’re back at school – albeit just two days per week!
Activities for the rest of the time:
Maths: Continue with the activities on MyMaths
Common Lit: A poem to make you think: ‘Masks’ (Activity goes ’live’ on Monday) Spelling Shed: Assignments 15 and 16 (Activities go ‘live’ on Monday)
100 Word Challenge:
Latest prompt We have a real opportunity for you to get those imagination fired up this week! I can’t wait to see what you do with this prompt. It is:
…then the Elephant delivered his speech…
We’ll set 100 words as a minimum; you can exceed it if you wish. Submit your finished piece of writing using Note on Seesaw or, if you have used another word processor, you can upload as a pdf file.
PSHCE: I've attached the latest the pdf file for the next UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Article. Choose some tasks from the Activity Time pages and post your responses on Seesaw.
Art: https://www.tate.org.uk/kids/make We’re back to the Performance section again – choose a new activity.
French: To follow
I’ll see some of you tomorrow.
Mr. P.