Dear Parents & Carers,
Please see the final newsletter below. I still cannot believe we are at the end of the year. We have had a wonderful year and it has been lovely to see the children grow in confidence and bond as a very special class. I couldn't be more proud of them. We all had a fantastic day last Tuesday during our Cinderella and Pirate ball. The children all looked amazing and enthusiastically enjoyed the day, even answering the register in character! Thank you very much for all your wonderful support throughout the year. It really does make a huge difference and makes our time as a class even more special.
Have a lovely summer and best wishes for Year 1. They will be amazing!
Thanks again, God bless,
Mrs Kiddle and Reception Staff
Weekly newsletter - please see letter below for details of all our activities and learning this week.
No Show & Tell this week due to Assembly and Mass.
Friday - school finishes at 1.45 pm.
Curriculum Letter Spring 2
Curriculum Letter Autumn 1 2015
Tricky words
Maths - separating a group of objects and making addition sums
Making bird feeders to help the birds during winter
Aspirations Week
Making long and short worms and putting in order

Our 'smell' walk

Our first weeks in Reception
Our Morning Routine