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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School, Bury

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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow

Religious Education

Universal Church-We give thanks to God for our global neighbours. 🌍

Universal Church-Neighbours: Who is my neighbour? ✝️

Reconciliation: The children learned that sometimes we have to ask for forgiveness. ✝️

Reconciliation: The children learned about Jesus and Zaccheus and how Jesus still loves us even when we make poor choices.✝️

Reconciliation: The children learned that sometimes we make good and bad choices

Ascension Day 2023. ✝️

Pentecost: The children learned that holidays are different from other days and days to be happy. We discussed what a Holy day was.🔥✝️

Islam: The children learned how the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) preached kindness. ☪️

Islam: The children learned about special stories and listened to the story of the boy and the dates. 🌴
