Autumn Term
Welcome Back
Y3 had a fabulous first day! We’ve been reading The Colour Monster - a book all about a monster confused with his emotions. We then explored our different emotions and what they make us feel. We made our own colour monster to put into our class book for our reflection corner.
We’ve been exploring children’s rights and discussing what our lives would be like if these were taken away. The children came up with some fantastic ideas.
What is Culture and why is it so Important?
We’ve had some very exciting news in year 3. We had a visit from a member from the secret services who has dropped off our new book. Apparently this book has a secret message about how to make the world a better place but we haven’t worked it out yet. Our first mission was to explore the characters and their qualities.
Continuing with our book just like the colours we’ve been exploring our differences today and celebrating them with pride. We’ve done role play and made statements about what makes us different. The children’s attitudes towards each other being different but loved by God was exceptional. We are proud to be unique because we know God loves us all the same.
Today we’ve carried on with our new book. We’ve been debating about which colour is the best colour red, blue or yellow. We’ve come up with some amazing arguments until we realised that actually the world would not function without all of the colours together. I wonder what the hidden meaning of the book is..... hmm we will continue to explore this over the next few weeks.
Year 3 have been celebrating our differences. We spent time drawing our partners and then wrote down what made them special and what we loved about them. We then shared these with each other they have great attitudes to each other’s uniqueness.

Our Class Assembly
Please see OLOL videos to watch out assembly all about 'Showing Racism the Red Card'.
We have been exploring, tasting and cooking Mediterranean cuisines.

Maths Treasure Hunt
We had a maths treasure hunt which we had to find our questions and use each other and the resources around the classroom to help us work out the answers.

How Many Bones Are In The Human Body?
We’ve been investigating whether there was a correlation between how much exercise and activities we do and how strong our muscles are. We found that there was. As a class we believe this is because these children are always training their muscles so they therefore become stronger.

When Marcus replied to our tweet and made our day!
Outdoor Learning
Celebrating Our Lady’s Birthday yesterday through an outdoor class collective worship. The children’s reflection was absolutely beautiful.
Our forest school fun.

Reading our class novel ‘Mr Stink’ outside.
CAFOD Harvest Day

Odd Socks Day
We’ve been looking at anti-bullying and what it all means. We then brought our odd socks to life.

Dyslexia Awareness Week
We’ve been learning about dyslexia and what our school does to ensure all children feel included in their learning.

The Month of the Rosary

CARITAS - Family and Community
We looked at what a community needed and created our own communities and had to test out whether they would work or not.

NO Pens Wednesday
We looked at Nelson Mandela and his inspiring story during this day and created art work and had discussions around all of this.

Our beautiful Christingle Service
The children enjoyed a reflective whole school virtual service today.
Getting Musical
We’ve been exploring music from around the world and training our vocal chords to make different tones and sounds. We firstly did this with our faces.

We have been learning all about Diwali and have learnt a dance to celebrate it.

Getting Creative
Sketching animals step by step