Our Topic of 'The Great and Ghastly'
We have loved going back in time to 1666 the time of the Great Fire of London and comparing our lives to then.
We have looked at the streets and written about what we saw ready for our big write.
We took part in a BBC drama that reenacted the lead up events of the Great Fire of London - the children really enjoyed this immersive drama.

We have made our Great Fire of London city creations ready to recreate the fire.
We had a FANTASTIC day with Bury Fire Statiom. We have learnt so many important safety life skills. All tied in with our topic of the Great Fire of London - we are definitely grateful for our amazing firefighters. Thank you to the fire team for all your hard work.
Year 2 had a fantastic and meaningful time recreating our own Great Fire of London. We recorded our feelings as if we were back in 1666. After such fun learning about this topic it was a great way to end it.

After reading just the first line we predicted that the letter was about either a broken time machine or a thief who’d stolen it.
We finished the sentences and said that there must have been a huge explosion because the classroom was too big to fit in.
We worked out that Margaret must be from a different time and was travelling through the time machine because she said that she’d sent items from her era.
We explored the items she sent to us and hopefully we can get the time machine fixed soon.