Year 6
Welcome to Year 6's Class Page
We follow in the footsteps of Jesus to Love, Learn and Grow
Happy New Year everyone.
We will continue to make a lot of use of Internet based homework this term.
Maths homework will be on; all children have login details and the site shows when homework assignments are due. Additional written Maths homework will also be issued.
English homework will continue to be based on The 100 Word Challenge and written comprehension exercises. The children can also follow a link, through the class web-page, to Read to practice their reading comprehension – you can also view their progress on the site. There will be weekly spelling test – the word list is on the class web-page. There will also be additional pieces of homework, such as research exercises. Your children are expected to read aloud to an adult at home several times a week and record this in the reading record book. They should also practice their multiplication tables until they are fluent to 12x12.
Please check your child’s completed homework to ensure that it has been done to a high standard. MyMaths gives your child a score for their homework; they can repeat the activity if they have not achieved well. In their 100 WC pieces, the children should be using paragraphing and the full range of punctuation, including: inverted commas, brackets, dashes, hyphens, question/exclamation marks, colons and semi-colons.
P.E. will take place on Mondays and Fridays, please ensure that your child has the appropriate kit and that ear-rings can be removed.
The children will continue to learn the harmonica as part of the Music curriculum. Please ensure that your child has their harmonica in their bag every day so that we can practice whenever the opportunity arises.
Welcome to the 2017/18 academic year everyone.
We'll be making a lot of use of internet based homework this year. Each child now has their own blog on the blogging section of the school website and I have posted a set of rules for the use of these blogs.
Maths homework will be on All children have login details and the site shows when homework assignments are due. English homework will be based on The 100 Word Challenge (on the class blog) and on reading comprehension exercises. The 100 WC goes live on 10th September. In the meantime English homework will entail responses to posts on the blog and should be written carefully, and with appropriate punctuation.
We will be taking part in the Global Read Aloud during October/November. During this project we will be sharing work and ideas with children in other countries through the class blog and through Skype calls.
P.E. will take place on Mondays and Fridays, please ensure that your child has the appropriate kit and that ear-rings can be removed. We will make a point of trying to get outside for P.E., particularly on Fridays, so please ensure that your child has appropriate outdoor kit e.g. trainers, a long-sleeved top/sweat shirt etc.
All the children will be learning to play the harmonica as part of the Music curriculum. We are currently looking into providing harmonicas at a discounted price. I will update you about that when we have our meet the teacher evening.
To aid our communication with you this year, we will be using Seesaw. Seesaw is a student-driven digital portfolio that empowers students to independently document what they are learning at school with parents being able gain instant access to their child’s work. Again, I will give more information about this during the meet the teacher evening.
Class of 2017/18
Take a look at what we have been doing in class!