School Council
What do you want your School Council to do?
Remember we are the 'pupil voice' of Our Lady of Lourdes. If you have a suggestion about break times, in class or anything about school, either tell a member of the council or place your suggestion in the box on our new display in the Key Stage one area.
British Values Assemblies
Over the Summer Term we will be leading whole school assemblies to teach our fellow pupils about British Values.

Decorate an egg:
Well done to everyone who entered the decorate an egg competition. All the entries were
Egg-cellent! It was difficult for the School Council to judge but our winners were: Reception - Mayjee, Year 1 - Sienna-Rose, Year 2 - Corey, Year 3 - Maya, Year 4 - Lauren, Year 5 - Louie and Year 6 - Thomas.
Feast Day cake sale:
Thank you to everyone who donated cakes for our 'Feast Day' sale. We raised over £150 for the Good Life Orphanage.
Christmas card competition - Thank you so much to all the children who entered the competition. All the designs were fantastic. All children received a small prize for entering. A huge welldone to our winners - 1st prize, Leah Reynolds. 2nd prize, Marla Davies and 3rd prize, Josie Radcliffe. Also thank you to Mrs Caves for donating a beautiful gingerbread house.