Religion is Important to Us
World Poverty
We have looked at World poverty and we as a class were so shocked at the statistics. The children got given a budget of different amounts and had to feed their family; organise their child’s birthday; have another child round for tea; and have a hobby. This task was challenging for those who weren’t given a great budget and it made them realise what necessities they needed and what luxuries they had to rid of. It opened a lot of eyes to the wider world and how some unfortunate people live their every day lives. We then debated this and discussed what we could do to help.
We’ve been learning about Judaism and their rules which they keep in the sacred Torah. We then got chance to have a go at making our versions of the Torah. The children agreed it took a lot of skill and patience.
Our Lady's Feast Day
We had a lovely day with Father David and his team as he prepared us for Our Lady’s Feast Day - The children enjoyed his improvised dance moves for their warm up