Long Term Curriculum Plan
English |
Writing a story with a dilemma. Developing characters as the story progresses and finding a solution to the dilemmas their character face. Focus will be on the correct use of grammar and on direct speech being set out and punctuated correctly. Our other fiction focus will be on poetry where children will be encouraged to experiment with language to create a poem about a special moment. Our non-fiction themes will be: Information Texts as found in a magazine feature format. Children will write an advice leaflet and produce a presentation. Journalistic Recounts where the children will learn about the main features of a journalistic report through reading and analysing reports. They will then have the opportunity to write their own reports. |
Maths |
We start with place value including decimals then move on to mental and written methods of addition and subtraction. Multiplication and division will follow later in the Autumn term. This will include solving written problems in the 4 areas. The children will be learning the properties of 2D shapes. We will then move on to time and length including perimeter. We will also take a look at simple statistics. Throughout the term we will be making a comprehensive effort to really learn the times-tables facts off by heart. |
Science |
We will be learning about sound and how it’s produced and how it travels and electricity including building circuits. |
RE |
As well as our Caritas projects, we will be looking at Confirmation and how we are called to be a living witness to Jesus and how we all belong to the Christian family through Baptism and Confirmation. Later, as we approach Advent and Christmas, we will learn about the Gift of Jesus’ love and friendship and prepare for the ‘arrival’ of Jesus himself on Christmas Day. |
History |
We will be looking at what happened in Britain after the Romans left us. How we were invaded by the Anglo Saxons and the Scots. I’m looking forward to that, most of all. J |
Geography |
We will look at some of the main countries and major cities in Europe. We will learn a little bit about some of them and be able to identify them on a map. |
Design and Technology |
We will be linking with our Science topics where will try to make some simple musical instruments and a torch. |
Art and Design |
As well as developing skills in our sketchbooks we will be improving our painting and observational skills, then making some interesting Christmas gifts later in the year. |
Computing |
Focussing on Computer Science, the children will begin a simple coding course, where they will start to understand the importance of being able to control technology, rather than just using it. We will always be aware of e-safety while using the Internet as well as improving our Digital Literacy by learning how to use new computer programs and websites. |
PE |
Improving basis skills in all areas, then using these in friendly competitive team games. |
Music |
I love music and I love singing and I have hundreds of curriculum songs to teach the children… so be prepared for some ‘ear worms’ over the next few months… The children will learn simple musical notation which will help them to keep time in singing and in playing music and some simple harmonies and ‘rounds’ to liven up some old faithful hymns and songs. We will also be learning the ONE SONG approach to music where all the musical skills we will be learning will be linked to one specific song.