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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School, Bury

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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow

Monday 230320

Good morning everyone.

For this week, it would be helpful if children could have access to a ruler and tape measure, kitchen scales (and/or bathroom scales) and a measuring jug. Each morning, I will set a check-in activity; this will act as a daily register. Some of the activities may take some time and effort so I don't expect that these check-in/register activities will be completed first thing in the morning but some time during the day, once the activity has been completed to a good standard. T

oday's progamme (in no particular order!):

1) Check-in/register activity on Seesaw

2) MyMaths

3) Spelling Shed

4) Common Lit

5) French (https://www.lightbulblanguages.co.uk/resources/PrimaryFrench/lumens-french-award.pdf)

6) Physical Exercise (whatever you like, so long as it gets those lungs pumping!)

7) CLASS SOCIAL on Padlet. I think this is important. Could I suggest that ALL children check in to Padlet for a social get together at 2:00 pm.


Some of the activities do not have to be completed that day - due dates will be shown for those. Last week, when we were discussing this in class, I tried to impress upon the children the need to maintain a routine similar to being at school so that they tackle their home learning tasks Monday to Friday, during the day, hence the timing of the Padlet session. Let's see how it goes. This is new for all of us so I'd appreciate feedback, particularly regarding the timing of the Padlet session.


Kind regards, John Phelan Y6 Teacher


March 23, 2020