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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School, Bury

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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow


The children learned about Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. They drew a self portrait and put the sign of the cross on their portraits using ash from Forest school. ✝️❤️

Following on from the preparation of the gifts the children learned that the prayer “Our Father” is said before communion. The children recited the prayer together. ✝️❤️

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The children continued learning about the special meal that Catholics take during mass. We focused on the preparation of the gifts before communion and sang “Gifts of bread and wine” together. ✝️❤️

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“Special Meals”: After learning that the last supper was a special meal, the children recreated it together. ✝️

“Special Meals”. In RE today the children learned about the special meal that Catholics share at Mass. They looked at the order of Mass and sequenced it as a class. ✝️❤️

24.02.22: “Caritas In Action”. The children learned about how important it is to value the work of those who help us in our community. Mrs Waterworth visited class and explained what her job involved. The children then wrote thank you cards to show their gratitude. They also learned that we all have a special gift to make our world a wonderful place and wrote down what they thought their gift was. ✝️🌎 🎁

12.02.22: In RE the children wrote special prayers to God to thank him for our wonderful world. They asked for guidance on how to help save our planet. 🌍#climatechange #LaudatoSi

20.01.22: Today the children looked at people gathering for Mass on a Sunday and those that had special jobs at Mass. ✝️❤️

In RE today, the children started their new topic of “Local Church-Community”. Their big question was “Who are the special people in our lives?”. ✝️🕯❤️
