Important Diary Dates
Keep up to date with our Weekly newsletter as information below may be subject to change.
21st April - Queen's 90th Birthday activities in school
26th April - PTA meeting 6pm
2nd May - Bank Holiday school closed
4th May - Small school music festival for Year 2 at Summerseat Methodist Church (children & staff only)
18th May - Class photos
23rd May - Year 2 SATs World Religions Week
26th May - Music Festival in school
27th May - Parents Forum 2.15pm Break up for half term 3.15pm
6th June - School re-opens for Summer 2
12th June - Summer Fair 12 - 2pm
14th June - Year 1 and Year 2 trip to Eureka (Letter to follow soon)
20th June - Ten Ten Theatre in school
27th June - Sports Day
28th June - Whole school 'Move up day'
29th June - Parents Forum 6pm
15th July - End of year Mass 9.15am End of year assembly 12.45pm School closes for Summer 1.45pm