School Council 2016/17
The School Council have been working hard to discuss ideas from their class members and make differences to school.
They have taken charge of some new playground resources, the Captain's table, suggesting a rota for the order that KS 2 are served dinners, supported the Macmillan Coffee Morning with the Pupil Chaplains (GIFT team), led the anti bullying ' Power for Good' Assembly, raised money for Wet play and outdoor play games, talked to the whole school about Christian and British Values and supported the GIFT team to lead a Lent worship (introducing the 'Turn Little Fish into Big Fish' theme). We have worn red and donated to Comic Relief and held a 'decorate an Easter egg' competition. We have also raised money for a new basket ball net and two basket balls.
Summer Fair
Keep an eye out for the posters we have designed for the Summer Fair - they will be displayed soon.
Comic Relief - wear something red for a donation of £1
Thank you for all your donations.
Easter egg decorating competition.
Welldone to all entries and the 7 winners
Lent Cafod Fast Day - 50p donation and class stand up bingo.
As a school we raised enough 50ps to help CAFOD to build 4 fish ponds and provide 338 starter fish for a community in Zambia.
Little fish into big fish
We talked about our stand up bingo idea for CAFOD FAST DAY in the GIFT TEAM assembly.
Cake Sale - Our Lady of Lourdes Feast day celebration 10th February
Raised £93 pounds to buy a basket ball net, balls and a large skittle set.
Toast sale - The sale was a huge success raising £70 for wet play board games and new balls for outdoor play. Thank you to all staff who helped prepare the toast.
Anti-Bullying week - The School Council launched the week by suggesting that everyone wore blue clothing. They also led an assembly with the theme 'Power for Good.' They gave every child a 'good friend hand template' so that all children could reflect on ways to prevent bullying.
Children in Need - To raise funds for Children in Need, the School Council decided that coming to school in pyjamas for the day and having a toast sale would be a great idea. The approx total raised was £270.
Christmas tree decoration
We would like to thank all the children who took part in the competition. All the designs were fabulous. Mrs Hindle and Ms Thompson had a very difficult task to select the top three! A huge Welldone to Jessica in Reception who received First Prize, Marla in Year 5(2nd prize) and Lily May in Year 3 (3rd prize).