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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School, Bury

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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow

Science Week

We have started our science week with looking at the story ‘Somebody crunched Colin’.

In Science Week we have been looking at planting. Reception have learnt that seeds need soil (nutrients), water, sunlight and warmth to help it grow and survive.

Reception used their knowledge on what seeds need to survive to plant their own cress seeds.

We used magnifying glasses to observe how our cress had grown.

We had lots of fun planting herbs and vegetables in Forest School for the Reception Area.

Ged Collins STEM Ambassador Visit - we learned about trees as a habitat for creatures and did some bark rubbings. 🌲🐛

We learned about the season of Spring and how it is a time for new growth. We saw lots of signs of Spring on our walk around school and the children looked really closely at the flowers, making some super observations.

We finished Science Week with our own ‘Earth Hour Switch Off’ when we turned off all the lights and electrical devices. The children took part in a Collective Worship and we thanked God for all the wonderful creatures and nature on our planet.
