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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School, Bury

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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2


We follow in the footsteps of Jesus to Love Learn and Grow


From year 2 we’d like to thank you all so much for your support during this uncertain time. We are so proud of the resilience and adaptability shown from both the children and parents/carers. 

We will be contacting you daily to ‘check in’ on you and to keep you updated with anything or even with a just quick hello and good morning. I have personally decided to send a weekly timetable of home learning activities to be completed and this will be sent each Monday on SeeSaw. On this I have outlined each task and where it can be found in brackets. 


We all thank you for your support and hope that this home learning journey has been made as accessible as possible.


I really am looking forward to seeing all of their work and any creative extra things that they get up to.


Many thanks 

The Year 2 team - Miss Ritchie and Mrs Lindley 









Take a look at ‘Our Learning Journey’.


This year we as a class will be using an app called "Seesaw" - Please see your child's reading record for more information on how to sign up to this for free, so you too can keep up with all the fun things we've been doing in class. On here we will be posting our pictures, videos and some of our class work.
