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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow


Growing In Faith Together (GIFT Team)

" We cannot grow up by ourselves; rather, we journey and grow in a community, in a family."

 Pope Francis


 On this page you can see the wonderful work our GIFT Team does.

We share our faith with everyone.

Chloe, Eleanor, Roxy, Shylee, Isabella, Fionnula, Michael, Poppy and Sophia. 


Please scroll down for the lastest posts.

Thank you



Still image for this video


Still image for this video

GIFT Team 2020/21

Farewell from Mrs. Hindle 30th April 2021


Be happy and grow in Christ.

Do what I have said, and live in harmony and peace.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

May God’s love, and the Holy Spirit’s friendship, be yours.


2 Corinthians 13:11-14 


Message from the Wednesday Word 28th. April 2021

The message this week is Growing.


Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for the people who help us to love, learn and grow. Amen


Please click on the document below for the Wednesday Word.

God Bless

Message from the Wednesday Word 21.4.21.


The message this week is Trust.

A friend who can be trusted is a friend from God!


Please click on the document below for the Wednesday Word.

God Bless

Easter blessings

Stations of the Cross

The GIFT Team led a beautiful reflection of the Stations of the Cross. This can be viewed on OLOL videos.

Easter Garden Competition

Thank you to all those who entered the competition. The GIFT Team had a difficult task in choosing the class winners. The winners were:-

Orla in Reception

Zachary in Year 1

Isabelle in Year 2

Fabian in Year 3

Isla in Year 4

Noah R in Year 5



Easter Egg Raffle

Thank you to all our families for supporting the raffle and raising money for CAFOD.

The Easter hamper was won by Poppy in Year 6.

Class Easter eggs were won by:-

William A in Reception

Amber in Year 1

Emilia in Year 2

Isabella in Year 3

Ethan in Year 4

Spencer in Year 5

Kalem in Year 6

Message from the Wednesday Word 24th. March 2021.

The message this week is Praise.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Please click on the document below for the Easter Wednesday Word booklet.

God Bless

Message from the Wednesday Word 17.3.2021.

The message this week is Follow.

"Lent is a journey during which the Lord asks us to follow three steps: almsgiving, prayer,

and fasting." Pope Francis

Please click on the document below for the Wednesday Word.

God Bless

Message from the Wednesday Word 10.3.2021.


The message this week is Self - Giving.


"Love each other as Jesus has loved us.

He has given nothing less than his life for us."

St. Teresa of Calcutta


Please click on the document below for the Wednesday Word.

God Bless


Welcome back to our full team.

In the next few weeks we will be:-

  • working on a collective worship for Holy Week
  • holding an Easter raffle to raise money for CAFOD
  • promoting a competition to make an Easter garden

Message from the Wednesday Word 3.3.2021.


The message this week is Enthusiasm.

"Dear young people, may you always live the faith with enthusiasm." Pope Francis

Please click on the document below for the Wednesday Word.

God Bless



A message from Pope Francis


Lent is a time for renewing faith, hope and love.


Ash Wednesday 2021




Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes

Our Lady of Lourdes' Feast Day 11th. February 2021


Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us

Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us

Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us

Message from the Wednesday Word 10.2.2021.

The message this week is compassion.

"The compassion of God, his suffering with us, gives meaning to our struggles and our sufferings." Pope Francis

Please click on the document below for the Wednesday Word.

God Bless

Message from the Wednesday Word 3.1.21.

The message this week is PRAYER.

"In books we seek God; in prayer we find Him." 

Padre Pio

Please click on the document below for the Wednesday Word.

God Bless

Message from the Wednesday Word 27.1.2021.

The message this week is Teacher.

"Jesus is a teacher of truth and life who shows us the way that leads to happiness." 

Pope Francis

In your prayers, please remember all those within our school community who are sick.

Please click on the document below for the Wednesday Word.

God Bless

Message from the Wednesday Word 20.1.2021.

The message this week is Community.

"The family is a community of love where each of us learn to relate to others and to the world around us." Pope Francis

Please click on the document below for the Wednesday Word.

God Bless

Message from the Wednesday Word 13.1.2021.

The message this week is New Start.

God invites each one of us to make a new start with Him, each and every day.

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year.

Please click on the document below for the Wednesday Word.

God Bless

Message from the Wednesday Word 16.12.2020

The message this week is Mary.

This week the GIFT Team have led a collective worship with Mary as their focus. The film can be viewed under OLOL videos in the Children's section of the school website.

Please click on the document below for the Wednesday Word booklet.

God Bless

Message from the Wednesday Word 9.12.2020

The message this week is joy.

Dear Lord Jesus, please help our experience the joy that you bring, and share your joy with all those that we meet. Amen

Please click on the document below for the Wednesday Word.

God Bless

Message from the Wednesday Word 2.12.2020

The message this week is hope.

Pope Francis reminds us that "Hope is a strength, a grace and a gift from God".

Please click on the document below for the Wednesday Word leaflet.

God Bless


The GIFT Team have made baubles, to hang from their Jesse Tree, for each day of December. The baubles depict a symbol to represent the daily scripture reading. They have also recorded each day's scripture reading to accompany the whole school's Jesse Tree project.

Preparing for Advent

The GIFT Team are currently preparing for Advent by:

  • making an Advent wreath - the team are bringing in greenery from home to make the wreath which will be a prayer focus for our weekly meetings.
  • reading and recording scripture to compliment the Jesse Tree Advent project for the whole school to access for collective worship.
  • thinking about the true meaning of Christmas in order to lead a whole school collective worship at the end of term.

The team continue to reflect on the Wednesday Word and record their reflection as part of the Monday assembly.

Wednesday Word Message 25.11.2020

The message this week is Advent.

"Advent is a time when we journey towards Jesus and his Kingdom of justice and peace." Pope Francis

Please click on the document below for the Wednesday Word.

God Bless

Wednesday Word Message 18.11.2020.

The message this week is kindness.

"The Gospel invites us to be open to others, to share with the poor.

Let us learn to live with kindness." Pope Francis

Please click on the document below for the Wednesday Word this week.

Olivia's commissioning to the GIFT Team

Congratulations to Olivia as she is our final member of the GIFT Team to be commissioned this year.

Message from the Wednesday Word 11.11.2020

The message this week is talent.

We are all unique and valuable to God.

"Do not bury your talents, the gifts that God has given to you.

Put your talents at the service of God." Pope Francis.


Please click on the document below for the Wednesday Word leaflet.

God Bless

November 2020

During November, the month of remembrance, we remember and pray for all those that have died.

We have been looking at the lives of saints and thinking about how we can learn from their example.

St. Francis of Xavier

“ I researched St. Francis of Xavier. I think his example is to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.” said Francis.

St. Michael the Archangel

Both Erin and Spencer researched St. Michael the Archangel.

” I think that his example encourages us to protect and stand up for what is right.” said Erin.

Spencer said, “ I feel his example is not to judge others by how they look and what they say.”


St. Francis of Assisi

“ I researched St. Francis of Assisi. I think his example is to preach about Jesus in any way we can.” said Poppy.


St. Anne

“ I researched St. Anne, the mother of Our Lady. I think her example is to always look out and help people.” said Mia.


St. Catherine of Siena

“ I researched St Catherine of Siena. I think her example was that anything is possible if we work together.” said Scarlett.

Blessed Carlo Acutis

“ I researched the Blessed Carlo Acutis. I think that his example for us is how he lived out his faith.” said Noah.

Message from the Wednesday Word 4.11.2020

The message this week is wisdom.

Wisdom is a gift from God which helps us to see things more clearly and make the right choices in life.

Please click on the document below for this week's Wednesday Word.

God Bless

The new GIFT Team has received a beautiful El Salvador Cross made by

Caitlin Waterworth. Caitlin is a past member of the team.

The cross has pride of place on our prayer table.

Commissioning of GIFT Team 2020

Congratulations to Scarlett, Noah, Spencer and Francis as they have been commissioned by Mrs. Davies. They join Poppy, Erin and Mia as the GIFT Team for this year. 

Message from the Wednesday Word 21.10.2020

The message this week is love.

Jesus wants us to love each other.

Please click on the document below for the Wednesday Word booklet.

God Bless

October is the month we especially focus on the Holy Rosary. The GIFT Team made a display of their prayers in the form of a decade of the Rosary. They also made a rosary tree for their prayer focus.

October, Month of the Holy Rosary

Message from the Wednesday Word 14.10.2020

The message this week is gratitude.


"The heart that knows how to say 'thank you' is a good heart, it is a heart that is content". Pope Francis


Please click on the document below for the October Half Term Wednesday Word document.

God Bless

Message from the Wednesday Word for 7th. October 2020

The message this week is invitation.

God invites you to know him.

Please click on the document below for the Wednesday Word.

God Bless

Message from the Wednesday Word 30.9.2020

This week the word is messenger.

"Let the message of Christ live in you" St. Paul

Keeping all our school and Parish community in our prayers.

Please click on the document below for this week's Wednesday Word.

God Bless 

Message from the Wednesday Word 23.9.2020

The message this week is change.

This week, following their interviews, we have asked some fantastic Year 5 and Year 6 children to join the GIFT Team. We still have one further interview to carry out.

In the meantime, we would like to welcome Scarlett, Noah, Spencer and Francis to the team.

We keep all our school families in our prayers.

Please click on the document below for this week's Wednesday Word.

God Bless

During September we have been thinking about God’s Creation and caring for our common home. 

Message from the Wednesday Word 16.9.2020

The message this week is Generous.

Please keep the wonderful children who have applied to be members of the GIFT Team in your prayers. They will be having interviews next week. We wish them well.

Please click on the document below for this week's Wednesday Word.

God Bless

Message from the Wednesday Word 9.9.2020

The message this week is forgiveness.

Welcome to all our school community as we begin this new school year.

Please click on the document below for the Wednesday Word.

God Bless

GIFT Team 2019/20

Message from the Wednesday Word 15.7.2020.

The message this week is Growing.

We would like to thank the Year 6 members of the team as they move onto High School. We thank them for their all they have done to help our school community to grow in faith together. We wish them well for the future in the hope that they will continue to let their light shine.


Please click on the document below for the Summer Wednesday Word booklet.

God be with you

Message from the Wednesday Word 8.7.2020.

The message this week is Listening.

It is important to listen. A wise person once said,

" God gave us two ears and only one mouth - we should listen more."

Please click on the document below for the Wednesday Word newsletter.

God Bless

Message from the Wednesday Word 1.7.2020.

The message this week is Companion.

Please click on the document below for the Wednesday Word newsletter.

God Bless

Do you want your companions to respect you?
Always think well of everyone and be ready to help others.

Do this and you will be happy.

St. John Bosco 

Message from the Wednesday Word 24.6.2020.

The message this week is Faith.

Next Sunday is the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul.

Please click on the document below for the Wednesday Word newsletter.

God Bless

St. Peter and St. Paul

Message from the Wednesday Word 17.6.2020.

The message this week is Courage.

Please click on the document below for the Wednesday Word newsletter.

God Bless

Message from the Wednesday Word 10.6.2020.

The message this week is Nourish.

Next Sunday we celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi which means The Body of Christ. Traditionally it is a time when children make their First Holy Communion.

Please click on the document below for the Wednesday Word newsletter.

God Bless

Article from the Parish Newsletter 7.6.2020

Message from the Wednesday Word 3.6.2020.

The message this week is Trinity.

Next Sunday is the feast of the Holy Trinity.

Please click on the document below for the Wednesday Word booklet.

God Bless

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:

as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end.


O Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you.

Feast of Pentecost

Message from the Wednesday Word 27.5.2020.

The message this week is Pentecost.

Next Sunday is the feast of Pentecost, the gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church. 

Please click on the document below for the Wednesday Word booklet.

God Bless

Feast of the Ascension

Message from the Wednesday Word 20.5.2020.

The message this week is Friendship.

This week the Wednesday Word is in a booklet covering three weeks. Please click on the document below for the Wednesday Word booklet.

God Bless

Message from the Wednesday Word 13.5.2020.

The message this week is HELPER. Please click the document below for the Wednesday Word newsletter.

God Bless

Message from the Wednesday Word 6.5.2020

The message this week is TRUST. Please click the document below for the Wednesday Word newsletter.

God Bless

I am the Way, the Truth and the Life

Message from the Wednesday Word 29.4.2020.

The message this week is FOLLOW. Please click the document below for the Wednesday Word this week.

Feast day of St. Catherine of Sienna 29.4.2020

Message from the Wednesday Word 22.4.2020.

The Gospel reading next Sunday is about two disciples walking to a village called Emmaus. They are joined by Jesus but do not recognise him until later when he breaks bread with them. When they realise they have been in Jesus' company they are filled with joy.

The message this week is JESUS.

The more we learn about Jesus through the gospels, the easier it will be to recognise him.


"We must not fail to help our neighbours, because in them we serve Jesus."

St. Rose of Lima


On the road to Emmaus

Dear Lord Jesus, we thank you for always being there for us. Help us to recognise you as we journey through life together. Amen

Feast of Divine Mercy 2020

Dear Jesus, you love us so much that you gave us a special Sunday to celebrate your mercy and forgiveness.

You say that nothing we have done will ever make you so mad that you won't forgive us.

Help us remember to ask for your forgiveness every day as we try to be the best we can be.


Easter Sunday 2020

Heavenly Father, you sent your son, Jesus, to earth to show us how much you loved us.

How happy you must have been to have him come home to you when he rose from the dead and was reunited with you in heaven.

Now heaven is possible for us, because of his love.

Keep us safe and free from harm until it is our turn to join you in heaven.

Help us spread your message of love just as Jesus did.

We ask this through your Holy Spirit of love.


Good Friday 2020

Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom

Good Friday 2020

Dear Jesus, what a sad day Good Friday was.

They whipped you, took away your clothes,crowned you with thorns, and gave you a heavy cross.

Jesus, you carried that cross for us.

Help us carry our crosses with love and courage, as you did yours.

Thank you for always being at our side, sharing in our suffering.

May we help others bear their crosses by your example.


Holy Thursday 2020

Dear Lord, on Thursday you celebrated your Last Supper with your best friends.

You knew your disciples would be sad after you died, so you gave them two big gifts.

You gave them bread and wine, which become your Body and Blood, so we remember you.

You washed their feet to show them we are called to serve.

Thank you, Jesus, for these powerful gifts.

Through them, we find the way to you and your eternal life.

May we always treasure the Eucharist as your gift of life in us.


Message from the Wednesday Word 8.4.2020.

The message this week is EASTER. Next Sunday is Easter Sunday. The Gospel reading tells us about Mary Magdalene going to Jesus' tomb and finding it empty. Until this moment the Disciples had failed to understand that Jesus must rise from the dead.


Easter Sunday is the start of the Easter season. A time when the Church remembers and celebrates the resurrection of Jesus. This is a day when we usually renew our baptismal promises together in Church. Perhaps this year you can talk to your families about your baptism as you celebrate this feast day at home.


Pope Francis said, "Happy Easter! May you bring to all the joy and hope of the Risen Christ!"


Let us pray

Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for this Sunday's wonderful celebration of your resurrection. While we are not able to celebrate by coming to Church, help us keep this time special within our own homes and hearts. Amen

Holy Week 2020

Dear Jesus, it is so hard to watch others suffer.

Sometimes we do not know what to say, especially when we see others who are lonely, sad,or in pain.

Open our hearts, Lord.

Help us offer comfort with kind words and gentle actions.

May we never turn our backs when someone needs us.

We ask this through you who cared for everyone you met.


Holy Week 2020

Dear Jesus,

you taught us to be strong when times get tough, just like you were when you carried your cross.

Even you must have wanted to lie on the ground after you fell, but you got up three times.

Help us to learn from your example.

When we are sad and hurting, help us to be brave like you.

Help us to know you will always help carry our crosses.

Thank you, dear Jesus, for being by our side.


Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday Prayer


Dear Jesus, how happy you must have been on Palm Sunday when you entered Jerusalem on your donkey.

How happy you must have been when the excited crowds waved palm leaves.

Thank you for being a king who serves others.

Thank you for being a king who rules with love and not force.

Thank you for being a king who opens his kingdom to everyone.

Thank you for being a king who gave his life for us.


Holy Week 2020

Holy Week is a very special time: it includes Palm Sunday, the celebration of the Last Supper, the washing of feet, the agony in the garden, Jesus' arrest, crucifixion and his resurrection.


Usually we are able to go to Church and join with  the rest of the Parish in our celebration. This year we are saving lives by staying at home. We can still think about Jesus, remember his sacrifice, pray and celebrate with our families.

Lord Jesus, the last week of your life was filled with many emotions.

Because you were human, you felt pain and fear.

Because you are divine, you had to see it through to the end.

You could have stopped the pain and suffering, but you loved us so much you said yes.

Thank you for winning life over death for us.

Thank you for overcoming sin and evil for us.

Thank you for opening the gates of heaven so someday we can be happy with you there.


Let us pray

Dear Lord Jesus, as Holy Week approaches, we thank you for giving your life for us, so that one day we too may know the joys of heaven.  Amen

Message from the Wednesday Word 1.4.2020.

The message this week is Holy Week. Next Sunday is known as Palm Sunday.The Gospel reading tells us of Jesus riding into Jesusalem on a donkey. We are reminded how people welcomed Jesus by shouting "Hosanna" and waving palm leaves.

Pope Francis said " To experience Holy Week is to enter more and more into God's love and self-giving."

God Bless

Wednesday Word Message by Harry

Message from the Wednesday Word 25.3.2020

Compassion is a virtue and it brings out the best in us. 
We can grow in compassion by praying for people we know to be suffering or are unwell in some way and by being kind.

God Bless 

Feast of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary

Hail Mary, full of grace. 
The Lord is with thee.

Blessed art thou amongst women, 

and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God,

pray for us sinners, 

now and at the hour of our death,


Message from the Wednesday Word

Difficulties, worries and sickness can sometimes be part of our lives. Yet, when we believe in Jesus and we pray and look carefully, we can often learn something about the world and ourselves, and how Jesus is always there for us.


Lenten message from Pope Francis


"Keep your eyes fixed on the outstretched arms of Christ crucified, let yourself be saved over and over again."


Ash Wedneday 2020

Our Father whole school collective worship

Today the GIFT team focused on The Lord's Prayer. They thought deeply about the meaning of each phrase. The team led a reflection before the whole school prayed.

4th. February 2020

Mayoral Visit

Well done to our Year 6 members for welcoming and showing the special guests around school.

14th. January 2020

Christmas Newsletter 2019

Summer 2019 Newsletter

Summer house painting project

Some months ago the team asked if they could paint the summer house. The summer house is used for some of our meetings and for Rainbows. The team came up with designs based on :- the symbol of the cross near the reflection area; a rainbow in connection with the Rainbows Programme; and images of God's creation.

Our Year 6 children painted the base colours and the team painted the details. Thank you to everyone involved.


GIFT Team members

New Recruits


Well done to the Year 5 members as they completed the difficult task of interviewing eight children from Year 4. Thank you to everyone who applied. Following the interviews it was decided to appoint Poppy, Erin and Mia as GIFT Team members starting in the new school year.



7th. June 2019

Today the GIFT team led a whole school assembly and celebration for Pentecost. They explained that Pentecost is known as the birthday of the Church. It reminds us of the time that Jesus' disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and when the mission of the Church really began. They each talked about a quality they would ask the Holy Spirit for - 

  • Courage
  • Joy 
  • Peace
  • Patience
  • Kindness
  • Goodness
  • Faithfulness
  • Self - Control

The celebration included music and dancing in the hall followed by gathering in the playground. Everyone had been asked to wear flame colours so that we could create a giant flame to represent the Holy Spirit. We then enjoyed party cakes. It was a wonderful celebration.


Pentecost powerpoint


GIFT Team tribute


Today the GIFT Team led a beautiful, thoughtful whole school collective worship. Each member of the team wrote accounts of different characters from the bible. A huge thank you goes to Mr. Phelan and the school band. Also some children from Year 3 performed a "Stick dance" to the hymn " Were you there when they crucified my Lord".

Below is a copy of the script and the .powerpoint

Script from Holy Week Collective Worship

Powerpoint from Holy Week Collective Worship


During Lent the team have held two toast sales and an Easter raffle. The toast sales raised £84.71 and the raffle raised £85.30.

The money raised will be split between CAFOD and the World Wildlife Fund.

Thanks to your generosity we have been able to purchase the following gifts from CAFOD:-

  • Water for a family
  • A vegetable garden
  • Drought resistant crops
  • Fantastic fish kit
  • Two bee kits

and through the World Wildlife Fund we have adopted a turtle and a rhino.

Thank you to everyone who supported us.



On 6th. March Sofia, Isabel and Harry represented our school at a Mass celebrating Ash Wednesday. Father Paul gave them ashes to bring back to use in our school service. Father Paul reminded us to enjoy the springtime season of lent. To enjoy seeing the plants around us growing and to think of this as a special time of growth and change. He told us to find joy in this season and to let others see our joy. He told us to make every day count.

Later the whole GIFT Team helped Mrs. Waterworth lead the school service.

Our Lady of Lourdes Feast Day 11th. February

The celebrations started early on the 8th. February when we led by the Just Youth team and Father David. Just Youth worked with all classes to help the children think more about the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.

On the 11th. February everyone celebrated the feast day with a beautiful Mass at Guardian Angels Church and then a cinema treat in the afternoon.

On the 28th.January the team led a collective worship about using good manners and especially taking time to thank God for everything. The Team produced poems and prayers which were displayed in the hall. Please take a moment to look at the powerpoint which includes some of their thoughts.

Thank you God powerpoint

As we start the year of 2019 the GIFT Team continue to

  • hold a worry and worship club
  • present the Wednesday Word to classes weekly
  • lead praying a decade of the Rosary every Friday lunchtime
  • prepare whole school collective worships

Advent thoughts

Each week we add another light,

Our hope for Jesus growing bright.

We share, we pray, we do our part

To welcome Jesus to our heart

By Sofia


             Dear Father

Thank you for sending your son into the world to show us how to love one another.

He changed the world, give us hope and love, so that we can too. Amen

By Sofia

It is my second year in the GIFT Team. This year we have worked with Just

Youth,led some Assemblies, led the rosary every Friday lunchtime, presented the

Wednesday Word throughout school. On the 6th. December together with the GIFT team

from Guardian Angels, the school band and choir we led a Joint Schools’ Advent Service.

In the new year we are hoping to improve the area around the Friendship bench with,

improve the summerhouse and develop the WW club.

I really enjoy being a member of the GIFT Team because I like helping children, praying the

Sharing my faith and spreading the word of God.

By Caitlin

I will praise you, O Lord, with my whole heart: I will tell of all your marvellous works. I will be

glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, O most High. Amen


Jesus, you are constantly coming to your people, even when we fail to see you. Over the

Next few weeks we prepare for your coming. This Advent give us courage to be: hopeful,

peaceful and loving. Amen

By Caitlin

Joint Advent Service

On Thursday 6th. December 2018 an Advent service involving both Our Lady of Lourdes and Guardian Angels' schools took place in Guardian Angels' Church. The service was based on The Stations of the Nativity. The GIFT teams led the reading and mediations. The children from both schools sang Christmas Carols. The band, including children from OLOL and St. Gabriels and led by Mr. Phelan, played. Everyone read, sang and played beautifully.

Whole school Advent calendar

The GIFT team have created a giant Advent calendar in the school hall. In each of the envelopes there is a message. The messages maybe suggestions of who to pray for or an act of kindness. Each day the envelopes are opened by children from different classes, the message is shared with their class and put onto their class prayer table.

Monday 19th. November

Today the GIFT team led a whole school collective worship about HOPE. This focus is linked to the Hope in the Future initiative from Salford Diocese. The worship was reflective and included the children's own hopes for the future in prayer form.

Hope in the Future display

Monday 1st. October 2018

Today the GIFT Team lead a whole school collective worship about Saint Francis of Assisi. The prayerful worship was based on a book that Harry showed us and the words reminded us of the hymn Make me a Channel of your Peace.

Saint Francis of Assisi

Thank you to everyone who supported our fund raising for MacMillan.

The GIFT team and Year 5 MAD group ( Making a Difference) made everyone welcome at our annual MacMillan Coffee morning on 28th. September. There was a wonderful response to the cake appeal - thank you to our wonderful bakers. We have raised £342.35.

Commissioning of GIFT Team members

14th. September 2018

The four new members of the GIFT Team were commissioned by Father Paul at the first Mass of the school year. The existing members were also recommissioned. Father Paul spoke about using our gifts for the service of others. Open a gift, use it and give thanks.

11th. September 2018

Today we were joined by the GIFT Team from Guardian Angel's school, to work with Just Youth. We enjoyed lots of activities which helped us to focus on how best to use our gifts and talents to work as a team in our role.

Welcome back, we hope that everyone had an enjoyable summer break and is back ready to follow in the footsteps of Jesus to love, learn and grow.


We have continued the Worry Club which is open to all children during Monday morning break time. If you would like to talk about your worries or write a prayer intention we will be in the outside classroom. We will do our best to help you.


We have continued to present the Wednesday Word in your classroom. The GIFT Team members for each class are:

Reception - Felicity and Sofia

Year 1 - Caitlin

Year 2 - Philomena

Year 3 - Thomas

Year 4 - Isabel

Year 5 - Harry

Year 6 - Leo


We have continued to pray a decade of the rosary at 1pm Friday lunchtimes. Everyone is welcome to join us. We believe our prayers make a difference.


GIFT Team 2017/18

July 2018 Newsletter

On Monday 16th. July 2018 the GIFT teams from both Our Lady of Lourdes and Guardian Angels enjoyed a trip to the Schoenstatt Shrine at Kearsley. The day was a celebration of all the wonderful work that the teams have carried out in their schools. At the shrine we held a reflective, prayerful service. Thank you to Marla for playing the flute and leading us in song. We continued with reflection and the rosary within the beautiful grounds. The weather was kind to us and we were able to enjoy a picnic and games. Thanks also go to George Ponka who drove the Parish mini bus for us.

Recruitment of new GIFT team members

Thank you to the nine wonderful Year 4 children who applied to be members of the GIFT team next year. Some of our current Year 5 GIFT team carried out the shortlisting and interviews. It was a very difficult task and the team conducted themselves in a very professional and caring way.

The new members will be commissioned at the start of the next school year.

Congratulations to

  • Thomas Barrett
  • Philomena Price
  • Harry Weston
  • Isabel Yates


On Monday 9th. July 2018 the GIFT team presented an assembly about Saints. They all decided to choose a saint that was important to them. They carried out research and told the whole school about their saint. They encouraged the children to find out more about saints and try to follow their good example. They reminded the children that they are saints of the future.

First Holy Communion

Best wishes to all the children making their first Holy Communion 30th. June and 1st. July.

The GIFT team made a card for every child.

Pope Francis

On Monday 25th. June the GIFT team led an assembly about Pope Francis. The team had researched well and shared with the whole school. We particularly remembered that Pope Francis needs our prayers. We also discussed Pope Francis' Five Finger Prayer.

Pope Francis powerpoint

May Procession

On the 24th. May the GIFT team led the prayers and procession in honour of Our Lady. A big thank you to the school band and the choir for leading the beautiful singing.

See the gallery for photos of the event.

Pentecost celebrations

On Friday 18th. May we celebrated Pentecost.The whole school were invited to wear red the colour of Pentecost. Pentecost is known as the birthday of the Christian Church. The GIFT team talked about the Holy Spirit and explained the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We celebrated with music, dancing, red balloons and cake.

See the gallery for photos of the event.

On Monday 30th. April the GIFT Team lead a whole school collective worship about Mary. They had thoroughly researched the many ways and titles that Mary is known by. They particularly focussed on four titles that relate to our school's housepoint reward scheme.

  • Our Lady of Lourdes
  • Our Lady of Knock
  • Our Lady of Fatima
  • Our Lady of Walsingham

Our Lady of Lourdes, Knock, Fatima and Walsingham

Whole school collective worship about Mary

Powerpoint for Mary

Father Paul talks about vocations

On 26th. April it was our school's day of prayer for vocations. Father Paul came into school the week before to talk to the GIFT team about vocations and especially his own vocation. Father Paul answered many question and gave the team a good insight into his role.

Powerpoint for the day of prayer for vocations

Easter Egg Raffle

Thank you to all those who supported our raffle. £170 was raised and will be split between CAFOD and Caritas. Congratulations to Roxy and Ruby Doyle who won the chocolate hamper.

Easter Collective Worship 2018 (part 1)

Still image for this video

Easter Collective Worship (part 2)

Still image for this video

Easter Collective Worship (part3)

Still image for this video

Powerpoint for Holy Week

Newsletter March 2018

Walking to Jerusalem

Today we joined with the Parish and Guardian Angels' Primary School in making a start on our "journey" from Bury to Jerusalem. For every good act during Lent we earn a footstep. The footstep represents a mile walked.

Each person will record their miles on a classroom footprint which will be added to the total for the Parish.

Today the GIFT Team delivered a message to each class about the start of Lent. They explained that this is a special time for us to think about:-

  • God and our relationship with him
  • Asking for forgiveness and forgiving others
  • Making a fresh start
  • Preparing ourselves for Easter

They prayed

Dear Lord Jesus, please help me and my family to grow in love and strength during Lent through keeping our Lenten promises. Amen


Visit by Guardian Angels' GIFT Team

Celebrating Our Lady of Lourdes feast day.

On Friday 9th. February we celebrated the feast day in school. We were delighted that the GIFT Team from Guardian Angels' joined us for the whole day. We celebrated with Mass at Church, then on return to school we gave the GIFT Team a tour of the classrooms. After discussing Action Plans and developing our links with both Guardian Angels' and the Parish, we shared lunch together. In the afternoon we enjoyed watching a film with the whole school. It was great to share our celebration with our sister school GIFT Team.



We are currently working on:-

  • Praying  a decade of the Rosary every Friday lunchtime
  • Running Worry Club every Monday morning break
  • Presenting the Wednesday Word to link classes
  • Developing links with the GIFT Team at Guardian Angels and the Parish.

Happy Birthday Father Paul

Introducing,explaining and delivering the Wednesday Word to each class

Christmas newsletter

We wish you a happy, holy and peaceful Christmas.

Helping Hands appeal Christmas 2017

Thank you for your kind donations to the Parish Helping Hands appeal.

The donations will make a difference to someone in need. Please see below a moving letter the Parish received from the Brothers based in Collyhurst, Manchester.

Caritas Advent Service - 6th. December 2017

The GIFT Teams from Our Lady of Lourdes and Guardian Angels worked together to lead a beautiful Advent Service for Caritas. They were accompanied by some members of the band and choir.

Sister Joan from Caritas in Bury had organised the event for Caritas volunteers and the elderly that attend a lunch club. Some elderly people had been brought to the event, at Guardian Angels' Parish centre, by their care homes.

Everyone enjoyed the carol singing and readings. The children later mingled, chatted, shared lunch and danced. It was a lovely event.

Day of prayer for Vocations - 29th. November 2017

The GIFT Team explained to each class what Vocations means and led prayers for people to be open to God's invitation to consider a holy life. Father Paul was especially included in our prayers. Each child wrote a prayer for Vocations which formed a paper chain of prayers for each classroom prayer table.

Day of prayer for vocations

October is the month we particularly celebrate the Rosary. Today we processed around the school singing "Immaculate Mary" before we gathered in front of the statues of Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Bernadette. We included special prayer intentions for our families and anyone who needs our prayers. After we prayed a decade of the Rosary we sang "As I kneel before you" accompanied by our wonderful school band. The GIFT team were also helped by members of the MAD group.

It was a lovely tribute to Our Lady and the Rosary.

18th. October 2017

Wednesday Word

The Wednesday Word is a gift from school. It is a leaflet designed to be shared by families to help them think about the Gospel message for the following weekend Mass. As part of the action plan discussions, the GIFT team felt they could present the Gospel message to each class using the link GIFT team members. By doing this we hope to encourage children to read the Wednesday Word as a family activity.

Today the GIFT team talked to classes about the Gospel message for this week, GRATITUDE.

18th. October 2017

Link GIFT team members

During our action planning we decided to assign GIFT team members to be linked to each class.

Reception Class - Sofia and Felicity

Year 1 - Marla

Year 2 - Caitlin

Year 3 - Matthew

Year 4 - Ruby

Year 5 - Amelia

Year 6 - Leo

CAFOD Harvest fundraising £376.35. Well Done everyone.

Day with Just Youth and the new GIFT Team at Guardian Angels

MacMillan Coffee Morning

Thank you to everyone who supported our MacMillan coffee morning. The event was run by the Make A Difference group (MAD). The GIFT Team plus William Henry Young, Kira Kenny, Ruby Birkett, Leah Reynolds and Molly Quirke ran the event which raised a wonderful £272.41 for this fantastic charity.

We were selling cakes to raise money for people with cancer and other life threating illnesses. We were inspired by people like Kate who was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Her MacMillan nurse, Wendy, was there to answer her questions and offer emotional support.

With your support we have helped to change lives by:

  • Funding MacMillan nurses
  • Providing cancer information
  • Financial support, like grants and advice
  • Supporting the MacMillan Support Line


Action Planning

Commissioning by Father Paul September 2017

We are the Year 5 members of the GIFT Team.We have recently been commissioned at Guardian Angels Church by Father Paul. It was quite exciting knowing that we were now messengers of God. We felt honoured to be chosen for this very important role. To be chosen we had to fill in an application form, be interviewed and complete a task about improving the friendship bench. Four of us were chosen and we were very happy and excited to start our role.

Sofia and Leo (and on behalf of Caitlin and Felicity)

Welcome to the new academic year 2017/18.

This year we have eight members of the GIFT Team: Amelia, Marla, Matthew, Ruby, Leo, Sofia, Caitlin and Felicity. We are looking forward to working with the new GIFT Team at our sister school, Guardian Angels.


GIFT Team 2017/18

We are currently working on a number of projects including:-

  • Working with CAFOD to love generously, live wisely and think deeply.
  • Planning an assembly about May the month of Mary including a rosary procession.
  • Leading a decade of the Rosary every Friday lunchtime in May
  • Improving the setting of the new friendship bench.
  • Planning a trip to visit the GIFT Team at Divine Mercy Primary School in Manchester.

Newsletter for March and April 2017

Easter Bessings from the GIFT Team. We led a whole school collective worship about the Stations of the Cross. The whole school had taken part making films about selected stations. A film was shown while the GIFT Team led reflections and prayers and the school band led the singing.


Helping Hands Appeal Easter 2017

Thank you so much for your generous donations.

It will make a real difference for local people.

On the 7th. March the GIFT team together with the School Council led an assembly about Lent. They encouraged everyone to think carefully about praying, fasting and giving. They introduced CAFOD's theme of the little fish growing into big fish. Later that week everyone was invited to bring in 50p  and the money raised would go to CAFOD helping train people to run fish farms and buy fish starter packs.

The GIFT team display board reflects the season of Lent and asks what we will do for Lent. This year we again join with the Parish in "walking from Bury to Jerusalem". For acts of kindness, joining the rosary and acts of charity the children are given a footprint which represents a mile. The miles walked in a week are passed to the Parish Office. The aim is to "walk" the 2,303 miles to Jerusalem with the Parish and possibly back. During Lent Our Lady of Lourdes have walked 1349 miles to date.

As part of our Lenten promises we have prayed a decade of the rosary every Friday lunchtime - focusing on the Sorrowful Mysteries.

We asked our school community to make donations to the Parish Helping Hands Appeal. We had a fantastic response. Thank you.

Newsletter for January and February 2017

Friday 10th. February 2017

Today we had a visit from the GIFT Team of Divine Mercy ( Manchester). Mr.Campbell brought the team to join our feast day celebration. First, they joined our Celebration Mass at Guardian Angels Church. They were then welcomed to Our Lady of Lourdes where they had a tour and saw some of the work our own GIFT Team do. We had the opportunity to find out about each other, ask questions and think about what we could do for Lent. After enjoying our lunch together a community cinema showed the film Trolls in school.

We enjoyed making friends with the GIFT Team from Divine Mercy and look forward to keeping in touch, sharing ideas and possibly visiting them in the near future.

Monday 6th. February 2017

Today the GIFT Team presented an assembly to the whole school about Our Lady of Lourdes. We are looking forward to celebrating the school's feast day later this week.

Assembly about Our Lady of Lourdes

Our Lady of Lourdes power point made by GIFT Team

Wednesday 25th. January 2017

Today the Gift Team made a presentation to the Eco group about improving the friendship bench. The two groups hope to work together on this project and had some good ideas.

Eco group and GIFT Team discuss improving the friendship bench

Monday 23rd. January 2017

Today the GIFT Team presented a whole school assembly about the Gospel from yesterday's Mass. The Gospel from Matthew 4:12-23 tells us about Jesus asking his disciples to follow him. The GIFT Team went to different children asking them to follow them to the front of the hall were they sat and listened to the Gospel. At the end of the reading the children were given a colourful paper fish with the words "Follow me" written on. They were then told to go and spread the good news. Later every child was given a paper fish as they left the hall.

Follow me power point made by the GIFT Team

GIFT display January 2017

January 2017

The GIFT Team produced a display which hoped to provoke thought about Jesus being God's gift to the world and what gifts we have been given. They posed a question asking pupils to think what gift they had used that day.

Newsletter for November/December 2016

Helping Hands Christmas 2016

Thank you so much to all our school families for a fantastic response to the Parish "Helping Hands" appeal. Your donations will be taken to Guardian Angels' Church this weekend. Your generosity will really make a difference for someone this Christmas. Thank you from the GIFT Team.

Well done to our GIFT Team and KS2 Choir members

On Wednesday 7th. December the GIFT Team and Key Stage 2 members of the school choir led a lovely Advent Service for Caritas. The service was held in the Parish Centre at Guardian Angels. It was attended by people that use the services at Caritas and by Caritas volunteers.

The GIFT Team read scripture and all the children either sang Christmas Carols or played musical instruments. The children were a credit to our school and families.

After the service the children mingled with the guests and shared a meal. There was even time for dancing before we left to return to school.

We received thanks and many compliments from everyone.

The GIFT Team have created an advent calendar. Each day they choose a child to open the calendar and share the message with their class. The child places the message on their class prayer table for that day.

CAFOD challenge for Laudato Si

On the 7th. November Mrs. Allcock from CAFOD came into school to meet and talk with the GIFT Team. Mrs. Allcock talked about the letter from Pope Francis called Laudato Si in which he asks us to look after God's creation. She explained CAFOD's role in encouraging us to live wisely, think deeply and love generously. We are going to work with Mrs. Allcock to try to meet the challenge in our school, homes and Parish.

Remembrance display

Following the moving assembly by Year 2 about Remembrance, the GIFT Team enhanced the prayer tables to encourage children to write the names of those they wanted to remember.

Feast of All Saints

The GIFT Team have been researching the lives of the saints and asked the question " What can we learn from the lives of the saints?"

Newsletter for September/October 2016

On 20th. October the whole school took part in a Rosary Procession in honour of  October, the Month of the Rosary. Well done to Chloe Leigh and Niamh from our Reception Class for crowning Our Lady's Statue. Thank you to our school band led by Mr. Phelan, they were fantastic.

Bishop John Arnold's prayer
