Homework information
Supporting the learning in EYFS and at home
We know you'll agree that supporting the children on their Learning Journey is paramount and so there are many things we can all do to provide fantastic learning opportunities to build independence and inquisitive minds.
In EYFS, all children like to learn differently through play and we will spend valuable time in the early stages of the term getting to know your child's preferred way of learning. We will do this in both our indoor and outdoor environments.
Here are some things you can do to support your child:
Involve your child as much as you can in shopping activities and counting, exploring shapes and sizes of objects around the home and using comparison languages such as 'longer/shorter' 'bigger/smaller' etc.
Knowledge and understanding of the world, Physical development, Expressive Arts, Personal, social and emotional development.
Encourage lots of independence in dressing, toileting, eating, choosing activities and tidying away. Select activities which balance your child between using fine and large motor skills. Allow your child to talk openly about what makes them happy, sad, angry or excited and give their opinions about their likes and dislikes.
Homework set by school
When your child starts Full Time, we will give them a school reading book and to develop a love of reading we will encourage a self-changing system. We also encourage parents to read to their children with books they have at home.
All classes take part in a weekly reading challenge and we encourage families and children to read together at least 3 times a week and record in the child's red reading record.
Longer term, your child can work towards receiving a 'bronze, silver or gold' star badge.
You will receive updated information about the programme we use for phonics - Read, Write Inc.
To support your child at home, we will provide them with a 'My sounds' Book and on a Friday highlight the sound we would like them to practise over the weekend before the books need to be returned on Tuesdays. As the year progresses, the children will also receive work to support blending, reading and building on knowledge of keywords and writing.
WOW work
On entry to the classroom, above the lockers, you will see our brightly coloured Wow Wall. This is a perfect place where your child can bring in and have their extra work (related to the topics we have communicated that we are learning about), drawings, photographs or achievements from home displayed.