We Are Linguists
We have been analysing our new English text - Little Freak - we have been looking at why the director has chosen certain shots and how he has portrayed Little Freak throughout.
We are preparing to write our own monologues soon. In preparation we have been looking at body language, facial expression, projection of our voices and editing and rehearsing monologues. The children blew me away today not a single person was shy or didn’t join in. Their confidence as individuals this year has blown me away!
The children have been enjoying “Miss Ritchie’s Wonderful Writers” folder. This is where sacred and outstanding pieces of writing are kept. To look at the folder they MUST wear gloves as it is so precious. They’ve been “magpie-ing” ideas from it and aiming to get their own pieces of writing in it.
We’ve stated our revolting rhymes and have been acting out Little Red Riding Hood compared to Roald Dahl’s revolting one
We’ve been learning all about traveller education and the history of travellers and what their lives are like for young children compared to us. We looked at different traditions they had and listened to lots of old tales and carousel music.