Homework Information
Year 3 homework:
Please read with your child each night and ensure that your child's Reading Record is signed. Year 3 will have their Reading Records checked by the Year 3 staff members weekly. Your child has been provided with a Timetables Rockstars and Spelling Shed login - please allow your child to access these sites at home. Should your child's login become misplaced, please get in touch with Miss Harms and she will provide you with a new one.
Below you will find a document called the 'Optional Homework Grid'. This is a document which provides a range of different activities for your child to choose from, each activity links to what we will be learning over the course of the half term. Your child should select one activity and bring it in for the date on the document. Although this is optional, this is a great way for your child to explore their creativity and to be given the opportunity to present it to their classmates.
Also below, you will find the weekly spelling lists for each half term. These link with what we are learning in class and your child has also brought these home.