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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School, Bury

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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow


We learnt about the long journey that the Wise Men took to see the baby Jesus, we also learnt how King Herod reacted.

On the Third week of Advent, we delivered a prayer and liturgy focused on Joy. We then invited our parents back to class to show them our RE activities. 🙏🏻✝️🕯

Advent: How could we use our journey through Advent to show love to our neighbour?

We like to take some time out of our day to quietly be with God. 🙏🏻🕯✝️

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Our daily Jesse Tree reflections 🎄🕯

Our daily Jesse Tree reflections. ✝️🙏🏻🕯

A prayer for Saint Andrew. ✝️🙏🏻🕯

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Child led prayer and liturgy: love our neighbours.


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Hinduism: trying Prasad, a special offering that is given at the end of Puja.

Making Prasad

Exploring the inside of a Mandir and understanding why it is such a special place for Hindus.

Judaism: exploring the significant symbols

Exploring the inside of a synagogue

Knowing that a synagogue is a community centre that holds a range of different special, Jewish events.

Child led prayer and liturgy: Preferential Option for the Poor.

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Catholic Social Teaching Week: we focused on Poppy, Preferential Option for the Poor

Reviewing our learning

We learnt about the different saints and how they dedicated their lives to spreading the Word.

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Understanding the symbolic items seen in a baptism.

We reflected on scripture from Matthew 28: 19-20 and the importance of baptism. We looked at the key words and what they meant to us, focusing on the idea of making a promise.

Making links with our own experiences of attending a baptism.

The month of The Rosary. 🕯

Child led prayer and liturgy: Sorrowful Mysteries.

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Reviewing our learning

We learnt that God wants us and our parents to love and respect each other.

We showed that we understand the example that The Holy Family set for us through artwork. We were inspired by Millais, Christ in the Carpenters Shop.

We invited the school and our families to join us as we thought about those in need. This was in line with the Harvest Fast Day with CAFOD and we related this to Care for Our Common Home.

Spending time with God and praying for forgiveness, love and safety.
