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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School, Bury

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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow

Change of Isolation Period

11 December 2020


Dear Parents and Carers,



The Government has just announced changes to the isolation period with effect from Monday 14th December. From Monday, the change to the isolation period for contacts will apply to all those who are currently self-isolating. The self-isolation period will begin on the day after exposure, a test or the start of symptoms.

These changes will impact the children at Our Lady of Lourdes. For the children who were sent home to isolate in Year 1, their isolation period will now end on Sunday 13th December which means they will be able to return to school on Monday 14th December 2020.

I recognise this letter may cause panic and anxiety about the children returning to school. I would like to reassure all parents and carers who feel they need to continue the 14 day isolation period that we will fully support your decision. I would ask that in these cases, you continue to engage with the remote learning and continue to engage with school staff.

In this ever changing world of Government Guidelines, I would like to thank all parents and carers for their continued support.

Have a lovely weekend,

Kind regards,

Mrs JE Davies

Executive Headteacher
