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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School, Bury

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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow

Information for Remote Learning

6th January 2021
Dear Parents and Carers,
Letter for parents and carers of children who are Remote Learning
Thank you for your overwhelming patience and understanding this week as we organize the remote learning for your children.
Once again, many of our families will be expected to work full time from home as well as carry out Remote learning with their children. I know this will be a very worrying time for all parents and carers but we are working hard to ensure the education provided remotely is engaging, interactive and allows children to work independently. I would like to reiterate, the education your child is receiving remotely, is the same as the children who will be in school.
Our full remote learning will start on Monday 11th January. All teachers will be in touch with parents this week to give full details of the timetable and what their child’s learning will look like. For Thursday 7th January and Friday 8th January, work will be set based on the Caritas in Action topic the whole school are working on. This work will be sent to you tomorrow morning. Parents can upload pictures of the children’s work through Tapestry (Reception class) and Seesaw (Year 1 – 6). There will be limited communication between staff and children working remotely this week as they prepare for future remote learning from Monday.
Please do contact us if you are struggling with any aspect of remote learning. We do expect examples of your child’s learning uploaded onto Tapestry or Seesaw daily. We understand that this will be completed at different times in the day due to your own working commitments and the number of children in your family all trying to work at the same time. Teaching staff will be communicating through Tapestry and Seesaw during school day hours only. We will work closely in partnership with you over the next few weeks to ensure your child’s learning continues to grow. Thank you once again for your continued support,
Kind regards,
Mrs JE Davies
Executive Headteacher