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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School, Bury

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Our Lady of Lourdes RC Primary School

Love, Learn and Grow

Remote Learning - Newsletter 15

We follow in the footsteps of Jesus, to love, learn and grow.
Monday 11th January 2021 15
Dear Parents and Carers,
Remote Education
Today we start our Remote learning package. Staff have worked extremely hard to
cater for all the children who are accessing learning from home. The content and
lessons that children are accessing at home are also used in school, there is no
difference to the content that they are learning. Remote education will include a daily
Teams meeting and lessons pre-recorded for children to access at any time of the day.
We are expecting all children to engage with their learning daily. Children should upload
their work onto Tapestry or Seesaw and teachers will respond to the children during
the school day.
There have been a lot of questions about our Remote Education package from parents
but I would ask parents and carers to work with us this week and give it a chance.
Towards the end of the week, if your child is struggling with the way in which the
learning is presented or your child is struggling to be motivated, I would then ask you
to contact your class teacher with your concerns. By contacting your class teacher you
can work together and hopefully we can resolve the issue. If you feel your concerns
have not been dealt with, please contact myself or Mrs Waterworth.
Critical Worker Status
As you will have seen through the media over the week, the number of children
attending schools is significantly higher than the last lockdown. This is as a result of
the Government list of jobs that have been identified as ‘Critical workers’. The
definition of a critical worker are those parents whose work is critical to the
Coronavirus and EU transition response. At Our Lady of Lourdes we have a significantly
higher percentage of children attending school compared to the last lockdown. I am not
questioning any parent who has been offered a place in school but I would ask that, if,
there is a parent who is working from home or you have a support bubble that can look
after your child, that you use this support rather than sending your child into School.
The Government initiative of ‘Stay at Home’ is to reduce the rate of transmission of
Covid. By reducing the number of children in School, we are reducing the rate of
transmission. Thank you for your support in this matter.
COVID Guidance
For those families who are attending school, we must continue to be vigilant and we all
have a responsibility to stop the spread of coronavirus. If you or your child have any of
the three symptoms: a high temperature; a new, continuous cough; a loss or change to
your sense of smell or taste; you MUST self-isolate and book a test to see if you have
Coronavirus. Whilst you are waiting for the test and the results, your whole household
MUST self-isolate. This is to reduce the spread of COVID.
Sunday Mass
Fr Paul continues to say Mass weekly on a Sunday at 10.00am and it is live streamed.
They have now installed permanent livestream equipment. To access the new livestream
go to: www.faithstream.co.uk/olgcga
Thank you
These are unprecedented times and I can only thank everyone who has been very
understanding in these difficult times. Please do keep communicating with school if you
have any questions.
If you require work to be photocopied, we can organise this to be collected at the
school office. If you are having difficulty with accessing the online learning, please
contact the school office.
Thank you for your continued support and I hope this week’s remote learning goes
really well.
Mrs J.E. Davies, Executive Headteacher
Dates for the diary:
3rd February – 9th February – Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week
Tuesday 9th February – Safer Internet Day
Thursday 11th February – Our Lady of Lourdes Feast Day
Friday 12th February – Break up for Half Term